Brasillia GP (Brazil)

Graceland Forums GPRO Brasillia GP (Brazil)

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 30 total)
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  • #213

    s62 r7
    Practice laps data (laps done 2/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:46.049s 0.210s 1:45.839s 499 670 526 612 656 877 Medium
    2 1:45.581s 0.090s 1:45.491s 499 670 526 612 656 877 Soft

    Practice lap 2 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:46.113s 499 670 526 612 656 877 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:47.719s 499 670 526 612 656 877 75 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    4th 1:46.113s + 1.687s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:47.719s + 0.499s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    4th 3:33.832s + 2.186s


    s63 r4
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:46.463s 0.312s 1:46.151s 494 668 472 746 809 881 Hard

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:45.844s 494 668 472 746 809 881 Pipirelli Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:48.916s 471 640 493 710 833 917 77 Pipirelli Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:45.844s + 1.646s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:48.916s + 2.444s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 3:34.760s + 4.090s

    Tyres: Pips Hard (2 stop)
    Fuel: 77/81/77
    Risks: 0/45/0/0/0 – overtake where possible – let Michael Utley pass
    Boosts: None
    Car Character: P=78 (67+11); H=75 (65+10); A=77 (63+14)

    one more race before i can do the extension. my driver’s OA went up to 110 and has zero motivation. so i’m basically throwing this race without really throwing it. hard tyres, but two stop, 0 CT. should be able to extend and then will be pushing like crazy thereafter.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by rqueary.

    s66 r13
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8 )

    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:43.254s 444 596 502 644 867 980 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:44.621s 460 616 488 668 851 956 76 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:43.254s + 0.000s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:44.621s + 0.000s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 3:27.875s + 0.000s

    Tires: Pips Soft (two stopper)
    Fuel: 76/76/80 (65/55 if it gets messy)
    Risks: 0/45/0/0/0 – maintain position – allow Michael Utley to pass
    Boosts: None
    Car Character: P=85 (62+23); H=78 (66+12); A=81 (62+19)

    tested in Setup Tuning to see what value it would bring. did 100 laps. almost nothing for Test points, so we’ll see how it impacts my driver after the race. it’s possible i may never do this again. LOL

    i landed a podium in the last race and am now 4th in the group. i do NOT want to promote this season. i’ll be very disappointed if i do. plan is to try and dominate next season, build more money and do some more testing before promotion. we’ll see what happens. i feel like i have to throw the rest of this season just to retain only.

    Season 66 Driver: Cassey McCarthy
    Driver Energy: 48% (68 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 137
    Concentration: 227
    Talent: 182
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 89
    Technical insight: 86
    Stamina: 107
    Charisma: 75
    Motivation: 230
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 69
    Age: 30
    Salary: $577.920 (9 +17 races)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:45.389s 0.015s 1:45.374s 560 560 600 680 880 920 Soft
    2 1:44.170s 0.092s 1:44.078s 600 600 560 640 780 960 Soft
    3 1:44.132s 0.050s 1:44.082s 580 580 540 660 740 940 Soft
    4 1:44.454s 0.053s 1:44.401s 570 570 520 670 760 950 Soft
    5 1:44.352s 0.056s 1:44.296s 575 575 513 665 750 955 Soft
    6 1:44.461s 0.097s 1:44.364s 572 572 509 663 755 952 Soft
    7 1:45.276s 0.087s 1:45.189s 571 571 511 662 758 951 Hard
    8 1:44.019s 0.062s 1:43.957s 667 667 512 661 759 952 Extra Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:42.698s 521 717 559 613 711 999 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:44.580s 539 735 540 639 693 975 76 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Running 2-stop softs with 45-50-50-35 risks and 76-76-80 fuel

    Front wing: 6 40% Chassis: 6 30%
    Rear wing: 6 42% Underbody: 6 48%
    Engine: 5 68% Sidepods: 6 23%
    Brakes: 6 0% Cooling: 6 0%
    Gear: 6 0% Electronics: 6 54%
    Suspension: 6 0%


    s69, r10
    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:39.816s 0.100s 1:39.716s 572 764 551 745 698 853 Medium
    2 1:40.083s 0.159s 1:39.924s 572 764 552 745 668 842 Hard
    3 1:39.700s 0.007s 1:39.693s 572 764 552 745 658 847 Medium
    4 1:39.981s 0.144s 1:39.837s 572 764 552 745 648 847 Hard
    5 1:39.705s 0.076s 1:39.629s 572 764 552 745 638 847 Medium
    6 1:39.801s 0.023s 1:39.778s 572 764 552 745 628 847 Hard
    7 1:39.678s 0.100s 1:39.578s 572 764 552 745 618 847 Medium
    8 1:39.754s 0.031s 1:39.723s 572 764 552 745 598 847 Hard

    Practice lap 8 comments from your driver:

    Gear: I cannot take advantage of the power of the engine. Put the gear ratio a bit lower

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:38.966s 572 764 552 745 578 847 Dunnolop Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:40.604s 575 768 548 751 574 841 105 Dunnolop Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    5th 1:38.966s + 0.970s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    7th 1:40.604s + 1.195s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    6th 3:19.570s + 1.941s

    Tyres: Dunns Hard (1 stop)
    Fuel: 105/105
    Risks: 15/30/50/40/0 – force his way to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 6/16/22
    Car Character: P=119 (96+23); H=116 (95+21); A=117 (94+23)

    the last race was incredibly disappointing. i’m not sure what else i can do. motivation dropped through the floor and now i’m battling at keeping any after this race (if i have another disaster). went all in on parts and bought level 7s rather than downgrade to save money. if no success here, i’ll have to go into money-saving mode to make a final push at the end of the season (and risk angering my sponsors).

    team tool was off substantially on gear and i ended up using 8 test laps while never finding my true “happy spot” with gear. Qs used a total of 12% driver energy.

    Season 69 Driver: Oscar Alliot
    Driver Energy: 66% (30 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 166
    Concentration: 223
    Talent: 232
    Aggressiveness: 16
    Experience: 178
    Technical insight: 199
    Stamina: 187
    Charisma: 51
    Motivation: 35
    Reputation: 16
    Weight(kg): 65
    Age: 28
    Salary: $1.156.819 (8 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:44.369s 0.073s 1:44.296s 760 760 460 860 680 840 Hard
    2 1:44.054s 0.000s 1:44.054s 800 800 420 820 720 880 Hard
    3 1:44.256s 0.099s 1:44.157s 820 820 444 840 700 860 Hard
    4 1:44.379s 0.051s 1:44.328s 810 810 452 830 690 850 Hard
    5 1:44.394s 0.014s 1:44.380s 815 815 448 825 685 845 Hard
    6 1:44.362s 0.007s 1:44.355s 818 818 446 827 687 842 Hard
    7 1:44.356s 0.010s 1:44.346s 817 817 447 828 688 843 Hard
    8 1:44.417s 0.082s 1:44.335s 816 816 383 829 689 907 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:43.465s 685 881 415 861 722 875 Pipirelli Hard Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:46.383s 689 885 410 868 717 869 117 Pipirelli Hard Push the car to the limit

    I will smoke this race because of engine wear. Running 117-121 fuel on Zero risks

    Front wing: 5 12% Chassis: 5 75%
    Rear wing: 5 11% Underbody: 5 74%
    Engine: 4 90% Sidepods: 6 63%
    Brakes: 3 12% Cooling: 5 64%
    Gear: 4 24% Electronics: 6 35%
    Suspension: 6 76%


    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:55.548s 0.088s 1:55.460s 636 711 467 719 568 861 Rain

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:55.475s 636 711 467 719 568 861 Dunnolop Rain Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:42.331s 504 667 569 660 713 959 114 Dunnolop Hard Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    25th 1:55.475s + 3.095s
    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    27th 1:42.331s + 3.570s
    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    27th 3:37.806s + 5.741s

    Tyres: Dunns Hard (one stopper)
    Fuel: 114/103
    Risks: 15/40/40/50/0 – overtake where possible – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: None
    Car Character: P=106 (87+19); H=103 (88+15); A=105 (88+17)

    just trying to get back to positive funds so i can buy parts for the season’s end. been a very long, grueling season. not sure if i’ll be able to retain. if not, i fear a freefall to AM will be ahead. i hope not though.

    Season 71 Driver: Roberto Montoya
    Driver’s Energy: 74% (6 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 159
    Concentration: 236
    Talent: 202
    Aggressiveness: 75
    Experience: 156
    Technical insight: 167
    Stamina: 174
    Charisma: 58
    Motivation: 0
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 70
    Age: 31
    Salary: $854.762 (+15 races)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 2:03.578s 0.501s 2:03.077s 600 600 340 780 600 700 Rain
    2 2:01.640s 0.296s 2:01.344s 640 640 380 740 560 740 Rain
    3 2:02.462s 0.192s 2:02.270s 620 620 400 760 580 760 Rain
    4 2:03.489s 0.667s 2:02.822s 630 630 420 750 590 780 Rain
    5 2:03.792s 0.999s 2:02.793s 635 635 410 755 585 790 Rain
    6 2:03.170s 0.365s 2:02.805s 637 637 405 753 588 795 Rain
    7 2:02.844s 0.092s 2:02.752s 638 638 403 754 587 793 Rain
    8 2:03.788s 0.989s 2:02.799s 639 639 404 662 493 792 Rain

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    2:00.860s 607 767 357 708 541 745 Pipirelli Rain Keep the car on the track
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:48.085s 506 666 471 654 679 892 83 Pipirelli Medium Keep the car on the track

    Running 2-stop mediums with 45-50-60 risks and 83-83-67 fuel

    Front wing: 4 0% Chassis: 4 0%
    Rear wing: 4 0% Underbody: 5 38%
    Engine: 5 56% Sidepods: 4 0%
    Brakes: 6 0% Cooling: 5 0%
    Gear: 4 0% Electronics: 6 74%
    Suspension: 4 0%


    s74, r12
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:46.222s 533 698 471 749 707 833 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:49.132s 537 703 467 755 703 827 114 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    8th 1:46.222s + 4.140s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    9th 1:49.132s + 5.243s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    9th 3:35.354s + 9.061s

    Tyres: Pips Hard (1 stop)
    Fuel: 114/113
    Risks: 30/20/30/30/0 – overtake where possible – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/45/53
    Car Character: P=76 (62+14); H=74 (62+12); A=76 (64+12)

    i’d like points, but not necessarily counting on it. slow tyres, but only one pit. will it be enough to make up for the tyres? we’ll find out. car may smoke near the end. i need to get back to building the funds.

    Season 74 Driver: Eric Fontana
    Driver Energy: 91% (27 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 118
    Concentration: 189
    Talent: 167
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 142
    Technical insight: 162
    Stamina: 31
    Charisma: 166
    Motivation: 13
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 75
    Age: 31
    Salary: $501.00 (8 races +17)

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by rqueary.
    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:48.866s 0.671s 1:48.195s 620 620 420 800 720 800 Hard
    2 1:48.724s 0.614s 1:48.110s 660 660 380 760 760 840 Hard
    3 1:48.672s 0.481s 1:48.191s 640 640 400 740 740 820 Hard
    4 1:48.636s 0.392s 1:48.244s 650 650 390 720 730 830 Hard
    5 1:49.031s 0.817s 1:48.214s 655 655 395 730 735 825 Hard
    6 1:49.439s 1.216s 1:48.223s 653 653 398 725 737 823 Hard
    7 1:47.985s 0.323s 1:47.662s 652 652 397 727 738 822 Soft
    8 1:48.388s 0.181s 1:48.207s 651 651 396 728 739 821 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:47.660s 511 677 340 784 795 766 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:52.345s 515 673 335 790 790 760 135 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    I am in a death spiral. This is my 4th race negative and am running zero risk again. Running 135-135 fuel on 1-stop hards and zero risks.

    Front wing: 2 85% Chassis: 2 72%
    Rear wing: 2 88% Underbody: 2 90%
    Engine: 2 100% Sidepods: 1 100%
    Brakes: 2 76% Cooling: 2 100%
    Gear: 2 73% Electronics: 2 100%
    Suspension: 2 100%


    s77, r12
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:59.009s 0.180s 1:58.829s 588 675 437 694 548 741 Rain

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:58.889s 588 675 437 694 548 741 Pipirelli Rain Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    2:00.664s 592 677 441 714 508 736 73 Pipirelli Rain Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 1:58.889s + 0.508s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 2:00.664s + 1.012s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 3:59.553s + 1.520s

    Tyres: Pips rain (switching to medium 0/0 if weather changes)
    Fuel: 73/79 (75/65 if it gets messy)
    Risks: 15/40/35/35/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 25/46/53
    Car Character: P=94 (81+13); H=91 (77+14); A=93 (78+15)

    pushing for a podium. gotta press through race 15 or 16 in order to finish 1st in group.

    Season 77 Driver: Lella Francia
    Driver Energy: 99% (21 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 151
    Concentration: 218
    Talent: 235
    Aggressiveness: 43
    Experience: 101
    Technical insight: 100
    Stamina: 64
    Charisma: 48
    Motivation: 250
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 69
    Age: 27
    Salary: 694.232 (+5 races)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 2:03.416s 0.406s 2:03.010s 660 660 440 700 520 780 Rain
    2 2:00.159s 0.220s 1:59.939s 700 700 400 740 560 820 Rain
    3 2:01.047s 0.048s 2:00.999s 720 720 420 720 540 800 Rain
    4 2:01.819s 0.603s 2:01.216s 710 710 430 710 550 790 Rain
    5 2:01.209s 0.012s 2:01.197s 705 705 425 715 545 785 Rain
    6 2:01.865s 0.789s 2:01.076s 707 707 423 717 547 787 Rain
    7 2:01.930s 0.826s 2:01.104s 708 708 424 718 546 786 Rain
    8 2:03.889s 0.872s 2:03.017s 709 709 335 806 364 875 Rain

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:59.141s 710 798 380 761 589 830 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    2:02.282s 714 802 384 784 549 825 96 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a little

    Running 96-80 for fuel with 45-50-40-30 risks – mediums if dry

    Front wing: 5 72% Chassis: 6 31%
    Rear wing: 5 78% Underbody: 5 75%
    Engine: 5 66% Sidepods: 6 25%
    Brakes: 6 35% Cooling: 6 82%
    Gear: 6 31% Electronics: 6 47%
    Suspension: 6 34%


    s80, r12
    Practice laps data (laps done 2/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:42.726s 0.114s 1:42.612s 487 643 565 61 760 968 Extra Soft
    2 1:41.729s 0.064s 1:41.665s 487 643 565 610 760 968 Extra Soft

    Practice lap 2 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:41.390s 487 643 565 610 760 968 Yokomama Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:43.766s 449 597 604 550 800 999 62 Yokomama Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    15th 1:41.390s + 1.769s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    16th 1:43.766s + 2.235s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    15th 3:25.156s + 4.004s

    Tyres: Yoko Extra Soft (3-stopper)
    Fuel: 62/59/59/46
    Risks: 15/0/50/0/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/1/49
    Car Character: P=96 (85+11); H=99 (92+7); A=101 (87+14)

    new driver. last one only had three races remaining with no way to extend. i wasn’t happy with him anyway. i’d like to get this driver trained up so i can attack the course next season. we’ll see how good he is.

    Season 80 Driver: Darren Lovely
    Driver Energy: 87% (18 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 140
    Concentration: 198
    Talent: 210
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 185
    Technical insight: 155
    Stamina: 93
    Charisma: 86
    Motivation: 60
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 75
    Age: 31
    Salary: $729.862 (17 races +17)

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by rqueary.
    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 7/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:43.125s 0.168s 1:42.957s 580 580 520 660 720 920 Soft
    2 1:42.947s 0.158s 1:42.789s 560 560 540 640 700 900 Soft
    3 1:43.267s 0.275s 1:42.992s 570 570 560 620 710 910 Soft
    4 1:43.163s 0.055s 1:43.108s 575 575 570 610 715 915 Soft
    5 1:43.607s 0.483s 1:43.124s 572 572 565 605 718 917 Soft
    6 1:43.270s 0.501s 1:42.769s 571 571 563 607 717 918 Extra Soft
    7 1:44.205s 0.476s 1:43.729s 637 637 564 608 716 919 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:42.406s 530 678 532 640 683 952 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:44.464s 486 634 575 577 726 999 75 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Running 2-stop softs with 40-50-40 risks and 75-79-84 fuel

    Front wing: 5 71% Chassis: 5 22%
    Rear wing: 5 78% Underbody: 6 70%
    Engine: 5 20% Sidepods: 5 73%
    Brakes: 7 34% Cooling: 5 82%
    Gear: 6 22% Electronics: 6 62%
    Suspension: 5 37%


    s83, r4
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:42.467s 0.713s 1:41.754s 547 728 478 711 677 827 Medium

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:42.079s 547 728 478 711 677 827 Yokomama Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:43.130s 571 754 448 735 661 792 79 Yokomama Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    18th 1:42.079s + 2.423s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    10th 1:43.130s + 2.327s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    13th 3:25.209s + 4.750s

    Tyres: Yoko Mediums (two stopper)
    Fuel: 79/77/80
    Risks: 5/15/50/40/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 34/46/53
    Car Character: P=88 (71+17); H=92 (79+13); A=82 (73+9)

    surprise finish in the last race. hoping for something in the teens here. will need to get a new engine before the next race and will move back up to a level 6. still running a 5 for now on both engine and gear box. new TD. still wondering if money will prevail long enough for me to get the points needed for retention. we’ll know in about a month.

    Season 83 Driver: Cristiano Maia
    Driver Energy: 65% (20 hours pre-race)
    Overall: 140
    Concentration: 188
    Talent: 204
    Aggressiveness: 43
    Experience: 102
    Technical insight: 94
    Stamina: 98
    Charisma: 159
    Motivation: 114
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg) 70
    Age: 25
    Salary: $1.057.074 (16 races)

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