Imola GP (San Marino)

Graceland Forums GPRO Imola GP (San Marino)

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  • #401
    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:29.808s 0.043s 1:29.765s 520 520 740 640 500 660 Soft
    2 1:29.894s 0.098s 1:29.796s 480 480 780 680 460 620 Soft
    3 1:29.847s 0.066s 1:29.781s 460 460 760 660 440 640 Soft
    4 1:29.831s 0.015s 1:29.816s 440 440 770 650 420 630 Soft
    5 1:29.677s 0.007s 1:29.670s 440 432 775 645 413 635 Soft
    6 1:29.786s 0.069s 1:29.717s 428 428 772 648 409 632 Soft
    7 1:29.703s 0.010s 1:29.693s 430 430 771 647 411 631 Soft
    8 1:29.679s 0.008s 1:29.671s 431 431 866 553 412 726 Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:28.340s 420 540 819 600 460 679 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:30.712s 398 518 842 567 483 709 72 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Running 2-stop softs with 72-76-76 fuel and 45-50-50 risks

    Front wing: 4 65% Chassis: 5 58%
    Rear wing: 4 64% Underbody: 5 73%
    Engine: 6 13% Sidepods: 5 65%
    Brakes: 6 20% Cooling: 5 61%
    Gear: 6 0% Electronics: 5 46%
    Suspension: 6 70%

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by rqueary.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by ken oneal.

    s66 r4
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)

    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:30.836s 0.106s 1:30.730s 421 512 670 678 619 612 Extra Soft

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:30.660s 421 512 670 678 619 612 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:31.781s 401 487 686 648 639 642 60 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    13th 1:30.660s + 1.754s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    5th 1:31.781s + 1.018s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    8th 3:02.441s + 2.694s

    Tyres: Pips Extra Soft (three stops)
    Fuel: 60/60/60/60
    Risks: 10/31/20/20/0 – overtake where possible – let michael utley pass
    Boosts: none
    Car Character: P=69 (51+18); H=70 (56+14); A=73 (57+16)

    one more race before i can seriously start testing and pushing. just need this race to get through with my driver at 110 or lower. shouldn’t be an issue as i’ve been downgrading parts to make them last.

    Season 66 Driver: Cassey McCarthy
    Driver Energy: 78% (3 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 108
    Concentration: 227
    Talent: 182
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 78
    Technical insight: 75
    Stamina: 64
    Charisma: 73
    Motivation: 4
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 78
    Age: 30
    Salary: $516.000 (1 +17 races)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by rqueary.

    place holder.


    s87, r3
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8 )
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:31.855s 0.293s 1:31.562s 399 468 721 581 615 658 Soft

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:31.944s 399 468 721 581 615 658 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:46.370s 617 636 541 704 534 429 81 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a little

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    23rd 1:31.944s + 4.620s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    16th 1:46.370s + 4.790s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    20th 3:18.314s + 7.488s

    Tyres: Pips Soft (starting and staying on softs at the start of the race)
    Fuel: 81/84/60 (2 stopper)
    Risks: 5/15/20/20/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/50/60
    Car Character: P=89 (70+19); H=84 (68+15); A=92 (69+23)

    start on dry tyres, hoping the rain is very short lived. would like to finish somewhere in the top 18. i’ve got back to back 14th place finishes. slowly getting my driver where i want. two more races and i’ll be able to give another extension which should allow me to keep him until i make the push to Pro in s89.

    Season 87 Driver: Jacky Herck
    Driver Energy: 100% (4 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 104
    Concentration: 208
    Talent: 158
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 48
    Technical insight: 93
    Stamina: 72
    Charisma: 48
    Motivation: 76
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 74
    Age: 24
    Salary: $340.000 (2 races +17)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by rqueary.
    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:33.077s 0.185s 1:32.892s 400 400 800 600 660 700 Medium
    2 1:33.040s 0.212s 1:32.828s 440 440 760 640 700 660 Medium
    3 1:32.980s 0.248s 1:32.732s 420 420 780 660 720 680 Medium
    4 1:32.919s 0.149s 1:32.770s 430 430 790 650 730 690 Medium
    5 1:32.784s 0.025s 1:32.759s 435 435 795 645 735 685 Medium
    6 1:32.795s 0.041s 1:32.754s 432 432 797 642 740 683 Medium
    7 1:32.875s 0.128s 1:32.747s 433 433 796 643 745 682 Medium
    8 1:32.836s 0.089s 1:32.747s 503 503 865 644 742 681 Medium

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:32.584s 412 524 831 678 775 647 Pipirelli Medium Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:48.222s 593 705 698 824 643 455 113 Pipirelli Rain Keep the car on the track

    Two words – death spiral. Running 1-stop mediums on zero risk with 113-120 fuel.

    Front wing: 2 22% Chassis: 3 66%
    Rear wing: 2 23% Underbody: 2 82%
    Engine: 3 24% Sidepods: 1 97%
    Brakes: 3 88% Cooling: 2 62%
    Gear: 2 97% Electronics: 6 50%
    Suspension: 1 100%

    ken oneal

    Season 95 Race 3

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:32.111s 1.282s 1:30.829s 600 600 600 780 440 420 Hard
    2 1:32.324s 1.011s 1:31.313s 640 640 640 740 400 460 Hard
    3 1:32.773s 1.402s 1:31.371s 620 620 660 720 420 480 Hard
    4 1:32.885s 1.408s 1:31.477s 610 610 680 700 430 470 Hard
    5 1:32.234s 0.755s 1:31.479s 605 605 670 710 410 475 Hard
    6 1:32.582s 1.124s 1:31.458s 602 602 665 715 405 478 Hard
    7 1:32.886s 1.453s 1:31.433s 603 603 663 717 407 479 Hard
    8 1:32.899s 1.451s 1:31.448s 604 604 664 716 408 369 Hard
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:33.878s 604 714 610 771 462 425 110 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot

    Have bid on 10 drivers and have yet to land one. Running 1-stop hards with 35-25-25-35 risk and 110-117 fuel

    Front wing: 4 0% Chassis: 4 65%
    Rear wing: 4 0% Underbody: 4 68%
    Engine: 4 0% Sidepods: 4 59%
    Brakes: 5 0% Cooling: 4 50%
    Gear: 4 73% Electronics: 6 49%
    Suspension: 4 0%


    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8 )
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:28.460s 565 668 637 802 399 424 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:30.311s 565 668 637 802 399 424 72 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a lot
    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    4th 1:28.460s + 0.432s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    6th 1:30.311s + 0.642s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    6th 2:58.771s + 1.029s

    Tyres: Pips Mediums (switch with weather 0/1)
    Fuel: 72 each stint
    Risks: 0/25/25/10/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/0/0
    Car Character: P=98 (77+21); H=94 (76+18); A=100 (77+23)

    rain could mess up my race since my driver isn’t great in the rain. will only use 10ct in the rain. i’d like points in this race, but not expecting anything great. did have to downgrade my engine to make it through the race.

    Season 95 Driver: Julian Jakes
    Driver Energy: 99% (6 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 121
    Concentration: 188
    Talent: 147
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 87
    Technical insight: 209
    Stamina: 86
    Charisma: 28
    Motivation: 123
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 66
    Age: 24
    Salary: $490.000 (2 races +17)

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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