Kaunas GP (Lithuania)

Graceland Forums GPRO Kaunas GP (Lithuania)

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  • #5428

    s93, r14
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:22.651s 1.628s 1:21.023s 655 590 645 532 457 414 Rain

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:21.498s 655 590 645 532 457 414 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:24.417s 661 594 650 556 409 408 90 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    14th 1:21.498s + 2.661s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    14th 1:24.417s + 3.980s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    13th 2:45.915s + 6.641s

    Tyres: Pips Rain (x-soft if the rain stops)
    Fuel: 90/90 (75/70/65)
    Risks: 5/30/20/20/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: None
    Car Character: P=89 (74+15); H=87 (73+14); A=86 (75+11)

    all parts should last the race. hoping for a top 12 finish. slowly lowering the car to level 5 parts so not expecting big things, but it would be nice not to irritate my sponsors. :-/

    Season 93 Driver: Corrado Montin
    Driver Energy: 100% (5 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 127
    Concentration: 208
    Talent: 100
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 98
    Technical insight: 170
    Stamina: 127
    Charisma: 101
    Motivation: 196
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 66
    Age: 24
    Salary: $751.794 (10 races)


    s95, r2
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8 )
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:10.030s 0.076s 1:09.954s 521 548 723 606 478 382 Medium

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:09.599s 521 548 723 606 478 382 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:10.913s 504 527 737 582 494 406 61 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 1:09.599s + 0.585s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 1:10.913s + 0.521s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 2:20.512s + 1.106s

    Tyres: Pips Medium
    Fuel: 61/61/60 (2-stopper)
    Risks: 0/25/25/0/0
    Boosts: 0/0/78
    Car Character: P=105 (83+22); H=96 (79+19); A=103 (79+24)

    running a two stop. this track always makes me second guess my fuel, but it is a short track so fuel is a bit lighter than most tracks. hoping for a 4th place or better finish. let’s see what happens. i was happy with my Q times.

    Season 95 Driver: Julian Jakes
    Driver Energy: 100% (5 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 119
    Concentration: 188
    Talent: 147
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 86
    Technical insight: 208
    Stamina: 84
    Charisma: 28
    Motivation: 104
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 67
    Age: 24
    Salary: $490.000 (3 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:12.393s 0.263s 1:12.130s 500 500 740 640 520 420 Hard
    2 1:13.550s 1.265s 1:12.285s 540 540 700 600 480 380 Hard
    3 1:12.335s 0.177s 1:12.158s 560 560 680 620 500 360 Hard
    4 1:12.717s 0.359s 1:12.358s 580 580 690 610 490 370 Hard
    5 1:13.147s 0.326s 1:12.821s 570 570 695 315 485 375 Hard
    6 1:12.594s 0.278s 1:12.316s 565 565 693 617 487 378 Hard
    7 1:12.296s 0.058s 1:12.238s 563 563 590 720 594 271 Hard
    8 1:12.405s 0.075s 1:12.330s 452 452 580 730 604 261 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:11.713s 493 521 637 671 543 324 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:14.432s 476 500 651 648 559 348 98 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot

    Until I manage to procure a decent drive, I will be slow. Running 1-stop hards with 98-103 fuel and 25-25-25 risks

    Front wing: 3 59% Chassis: 4 45%
    Rear wing: 3 56% Underbody: 4 44%
    Engine: 4 67% Sidepods: 4 41%
    Brakes: 4 81% Cooling: 4 37%
    Gear: 4 55% Electronics: 6 37%
    Suspension: 4 45%


    s98, r7
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:09.694s 0.298s 1:09.396s 474 510 763 526 471 451 Hard

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:08.845s 474 510 763 526 471 451 Dunnolop Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:10.811s 494 534 744 556 451 421 94 Dunnolop Hard Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    23rd 1:08.845s + 1.660s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    28th 1:10.811s + 2.456s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    26th 2:19.656s + 3.957s

    Tyres: Dunno Hard (1 stopper)
    Fuel: 94/91
    Risks: 0/30/40/34/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 31/61/70
    Car character: P=92 (81+11); H=97 (87+10 ); A=97 (83+14)

    after last race i was hoping for my driver to start getting higher on the grid, doing better overall, finishes in the teens. now i’m wondering. this race isn’t particularly great for my car setup, but i’m hoping even being low on grid that my strategy will allow me to climb into the teens for a finish. i’m hoping my driver’s energy will allow him to finish the race with some remaining. i’m hoping my sponsors don’t get angry and drop me (the threats are there). i’m hoping this season starts to make a turn for the better and i’m not spinning my proverbial wheels. i’m doing a whole lot of hoping.

    Season 98 Driver: Thomas Bellof
    Driver Energy: 73% (8 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 136
    Concentration: 202
    Talent: 204
    Aggressiveness: 12
    Experience: 131
    Technical insight: 167
    Stamina: 102
    Charisma: 112
    Motivation: 0
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 78
    Age: 29
    Salary: $571.680 (8 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:13.718s 1.499s 1:12.219s 500 500 680 600 520 380 Hard
    2 1:13.716s 0.962s 1:12.754s 460 460 720 560 480 420 Hard
    3 1:13.088s 0.650s 1:12.438s 480 480 700 580 500 400 Hard
    4 1:12.944s 0.360s 1:12.584s 470 470 710 570 490 410 Hard
    5 1:13.750s 1.244s 1:12.506s 475 475 705 575 495 405 Hard
    6 1:12.989s 0.491s 1:12.498s 477 477 703 578 492 403 Hard
    7 1:12.295s 0.015s 1:12.280s 476 476 702 577 493 404 Soft
    8 1:12.567s 0.367s 1:12.200s 564 564 616 576 579 318 Extra Soft

    Practice lap 8 comments from your driver:

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:12.622s 501 537 660 533 535 362 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:14.825s 521 561 641 563 515 332 95 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Running 1 stop hards with 40-40-40 risks and 95-100 fuel

    Front wing: 5 64% Chassis: 5 76%
    Rear wing: 5 70% Underbody: 6 74%
    Engine: 5 40% Sidepods: 6 59%
    Brakes: 6 0% Cooling: 6 48%
    Gear: 5 80% Electronics: 7 13%
    Suspension: 5 36%


    s101, r17
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8 )

    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:11.361s 0.203s 1:11.158s 525 518 859 500 569 610 Hard

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:11.276s 525 518 859 500 569 610 Pipirelli Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:12.826s 525 518 859 500 569 610 84 Pipirelli Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:11.276s + 0.292s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:12.826s + 0.467s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 2:24.102s + 0.759s

    Tyres: Pips Hard (1-stopper)
    Fuel: 84/95
    Risks: 0/60/30/10/0 – overtake where possible
    Boosts: 30/62/78
    Car Character: P=95 (87+8 ); H=95 (87+8 ); A=95 (87+8 )

    i clinched 1st place in group, using up the rest of my part wear to get as much money in this race.

    Season 101 Driver: Gianmaria Pantano
    Driver Energy: 69% (66 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 127
    Concentration: 225
    Talent: 77
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 171
    Technical insight: 201
    Stamina: 72
    Charisma: 118
    Motivation: 207
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 74
    Age: 33
    Salary: $555.000 (1 race)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:10.254s 0.038s 1:10.216s 500 500 800 560 800 400 Hard
    2 1:10.205s 0.029s 1:10.176s 460 460 840 520 840 440 Hard
    3 1:10.229s 0.056s 1:10.173s 440 440 860 500 820 420 Hard
    4 1:10.187s 0.052s 1:10.135s 420 420 850 510 810 430 Hard
    5 1:10.265s 0.081s 1:10.184s 430 430 855 505 805 435 Hard
    6 1:10.214s 0.024s 1:10.190s 435 435 853 507 802 433 Hard
    7 1:10.264s 0.066s 1:10.198s 438 438 854 508 803 434 Hard
    8 1:10.213s 0.022s 1:10.191s 437 437 786 509 804 365 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:09.707s 405 396 820 544 838 399 Yokomama Hard Push the car a lot
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:11.314s 405 396 820 544 838 399 98 Yokomama Hard Push the car a lot

    It has been a long season – very disappointing
    Running 1-stop hards on zero risk and 98-98 fuel

    Front wing: 4 62% Chassis: 5 52%
    Rear wing: 4 67% Underbody: 6 80%
    Engine: 4 83% Sidepods: 5 73%
    Brakes: 4 77% Cooling: 4 88%
    Gear: 1 96% Electronics: 6 39%
    Suspension: 1 100%

    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by ken oneal.
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