Avus GP (Germany)

Graceland Forums GPRO Avus GP (Germany)

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  • #117

    s61 r5
    i have so many wishes for this race …

    Practice laps data (laps done 2/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:05.190s 0.454s 1:04.736s 429 421 767 495 170 911 Extra Soft
    2 1:05.352s 0.526s 1:04.826s 429 421 767 495 170 911 Soft

    Practice lap 2 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:04.780s 429 421 767 495 170 911 Yokomama Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:06.426s 429 421 767 495 170 911 77 Yokomama Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    9th 1:04.780s + 1.020s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    9th 1:06.426s + 1.985s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    9th 2:11.206s + 3.005s

    Tires: Yoko Soft
    Fuel: 77/78/82
    Risks: 30/20/40/20/0 – overtake where possible
    Boosts: 33/49/60
    Car Character: P=99 (81+18); P=92 (81+11); P=99 (84+15)

    ok, i need everyone to NOT plan on finishing this race – let that engine smoke. i need my car to NOT smoke. i need about four laps of rain (i’m not changing tyres in case of weather change). sure, i think that’s all the wishes i have for now.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by rqueary.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by rqueary.
    ken oneal

    s61 r5
    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:06.744s 0.109s 1:06.635s 480 480 760 500 240 900 Medium
    2 1:06.978s 0.217s 1:06.761s 440 440 720 460 200 940 Medium
    3 1:07.010s 0.312s 1:06.698s 460 460 700 480 220 920 Medium
    4 1:06.931s 0.167s 1:06.764s 470 470 780 490 210 910 Medium
    5 1:06.793s 0.029s 1:06.764s 475 475 770 485 205 905 Medium
    6 1:06.803s 0.025s 1:06.778s 478 478 775 487 207 903 Medium
    7 1:06.764s 0.017s 1:06.747s 477 477 778 486 206 902 Soft
    8 1:06.880s 0.151s 1:06.729s 383 383 777 579 298 901 Extra Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:06.736s 466 396 732 532 251 856 Pipirelli Medium Push the car to the limit
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:07.106s 466 396 732 532 251 856 81 Pipirelli Medium Push the car to the limit

    Running 81-81-85 for fuel on 2-stop mediums with 35-50-50 risks

    Front wing: 4 18% (0-999) Chassis: 5 0%
    Rear wing: 4 12% (0-999) Underbody: 5 0%
    Engine: 5 45% (0-999) Sidepods: 5 87%
    Brakes: 4 72% (0-999) Cooling: 4 22%
    Gear: 5 60% (0-999) Electronics: 4 71%
    Suspension: 5 49% (0-999)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by rqueary.

    s67 r17

    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8 )
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done
    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:05.093s 451 434 738 404 284 944 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:06.432s 451 434 738 404 284 944 40 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:05.093s + 0.000s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:06.432s + 0.000s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 2:11.525s + 0.000s

    Tyres: Extra Soft (car won’t last, so many laps and hoping for fastest)
    Fuel: 40/64/64/64
    Risks: 32/8/40/0/0/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/2/7
    Car Character: P=102 (82+20 ); H=95 (79+16); A=96 (80+16)

    end of the season, promoting. should have a level 7 car and be able to extend my current driver for two more seasons after promotion. maybe i’ll do well in Pro this time around.

    Season 67 Driver: Cassey McCarthy
    Driver Energy: 100% (20 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 144
    Concentration: 226
    Talent: 182
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 112
    Technical insight: 111
    Stamina: 151
    Charisma: 81
    Motivation: 161
    Reputation: 30
    Weight(kg): 55
    Age: 31
    Salary: $647.270 (+5 races)


    s75, r7
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:08.007s 0.441s 1:07.566s 395 358 829 474 368 999 Extra Soft

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:07.009s 395 358 829 474 368 999 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:19.171s 546 433 705 543 243 888 87 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a lot
    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:07.009s + 1.066s
    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 1:19.171s + 0.882s
    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 2:26.180s + 1.948s

    Tyres: Pips extra soft – starting on wets (for real this time)
    Fuel: 87/66 the rest of the way
    Risks: 35/0/35/30/0 – overtake where possible – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/0/0
    Car Character: P=69 (60+9); H=78 (65+14); A=77 (63+14)

    trained in sports psychologist to get motivation back up after last race’s disaster. i would LOVE to get some points. purposefully got a level 4 engine knowing how taxing this race is on engines. i needed a new one, but it made no sense to upgrade to a level 5 for two races and then replace it again. so went with a four and am hoping many will not bother to upgrade for this race. after the last disastrous race, i need a quick fix and good money.

    Season 75 Driver: Eric Fontana
    Driver Energy: 41% (53 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 131
    Concentration: 205
    Talent: 167
    Aggressiveness: 23
    Experience: 153
    Technical insight: 169
    Stamina: 39
    Charisma: 169
    Motivation: 56
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 74
    Age: 32
    Salary: $561.120 (13 races)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:09.007s 0.268s 1:08.739s 360 360 800 620 260 800 Soft
    2 1:09.198s 0.678s 1:08.520s 400 400 700 540 300 840 Soft
    3 1:08.786s 0.137s 1:08.649s 420 420 720 520 280 860 Soft
    4 1:09.099s 0.480s 1:08.619s 410 410 710 500 270 880 Soft
    5 1:09.246s 0.572s 1:08.674s 415 415 705 510 275 900 Soft
    6 1:08.849s 0.203s 1:08.646s 413 413 702 515 277 890 Soft
    7 1:08.658s 0.022s 1:08.636s 412 412 701 518 276 885 Soft
    8 1:08.721s 0.055s 1:08.666s 300 300 708 519 387 888 Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:08.707s 396 316 652 463 332 834 Pipirelli Soft Keep the car on the track
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:22.396s 517 437 530 548 213 711 120 Pipirelli Rain Keep the car on the track

    Running 120-90-90 for fuel. Softs when dry, but wet setup. 35-45-35-15 risks

    Front wing: 2 21% Chassis: 3 0%
    Rear wing: 2 24% Underbody: 3 29%
    Engine: 3 0% Sidepods: 2 56%
    Brakes: 3 57% Cooling: 3 0%
    Gear: 3 59% Electronics: 2 56%
    Suspension: 3 30%


    s79, r11
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:15.216s 0.016s 1:15.200s 516 438 702 412 248 895 Rain

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:15.117s 516 438 702 412 248 895 Dunnolop Rain Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:05.036s 373 368 847 366 293 999 79 Dunnolop Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    18th 1:15.117s + 1.552s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    11th 1:05.036s + 1.025s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    13th 2:20.153s + 2.050s

    Tyres: Dunno Extra Soft (two stop)
    Fuel: 79/78/80
    Risks: 10/0/40/40/0 – overtake where possible – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 40/54/62
    Car Character: P=95 (84+11); H=97 (85+12); A=97 (84+13)

    would love points, not expecting them. will need two at this point just to retain and that’s as long as more people don’t score points. by season end i may need 3 or 4. pretty sure i’ll be tapped out of money by that point. prepping for AM.

    Season 79 Driver: Augusto Ribeiro
    Driver Energy: 84%
    Overall: 145
    Concentration: 250
    Talent: 244
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 132
    Technical insight: 79
    Stamina: 103
    Charisma: 41
    Motivation: 100
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 65
    Age: 26
    Salary: $70.762 (4 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:18.349s 0.085s 1:18.264s 460 460 640 420 290 840 Rain
    2 1:17.566s 0.041s 1:17.525s 500 500 680 460 280 880 Rain
    3 1:18.812s 1.036s 1:17.776s 480 480 660 440 300 860 Rain
    4 1:18.540s 0.462s 1:18.078s 470 470 650 430 290 850 Rain
    5 1:18.518s 0.444s 1:18.074s 475 475 655 425 295 845 Rain
    6 1:19.311s 1.187s 1:18.124s 477 477 657 422 292 842 Rain
    7 1:19.077s 0.953s 1:18.124s 478 478 656 423 291 843 Rain
    8 1:19.243s 1.137s 1:18.106s 479 479 724 424 359 844 Rain

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:18.324s 554 474 690 459 325 878 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:07.353s 447 367 835 413 370 999 78 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Running 2-stop softs with 78-78-81 fuel and 45-50-45 risks

    Front wing: 5 19% Chassis: 6 18%
    Rear wing: 5 65% Underbody: 5 56%
    Engine: 6 0% Sidepods: 4 55%
    Brakes: 5 51% Cooling: 4 48%
    Gear: 4 77% Electronics: 6 55%
    Suspension: 5 0%


    s85, r9
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8 )
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:06.753s 390 368 729 407 285 869 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:09.203s 390 368 729 407 285 869 120 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:06.753s + 0.000s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:09.203s + 0.000s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 2:15.956s + 0.000s

    Tyres: Pips Medium
    Fuel: 120/120
    Risks: 0/0/0/0/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/0/0
    Car Character: P=75 (63+12); H=67 (59+8 ); A=70 (62+8 )

    last race without trying. goal is to keep the driver at 110 until AFTER this race so i can get another extension. its gonna be close. walking the tightrope.

    Season 85 Driver: Wilson Resende Filho
    Driver Energy: 93% (70 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 110
    Concentration: 189
    Talent: 185
    Aggressiveness: 2
    Experience: 69
    Technical insight: 129
    Stamina: 53
    Charisma: 104
    Motivation: 0
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 69
    Age: 27
    Salary: $504.000 (1 race +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:07.257s 0.129s 1:07.128s 380 380 700 420 300 860 Soft
    2 1:07.305s 0.019s 1:07.286s 420 420 740 380 260 900 Soft
    3 1:07.313s 0.206s 1:07.107s 440 440 760 400 240 920 Soft
    4 1:07.228s 0.100s 1:07.128s 450 450 780 410 450 940 Soft
    5 1:06.970s 0.040s 1:06.930s 445 445 770 405 250 950 Soft
    6 1:07.012s 0.045s 1:06.967s 448 448 765 402 255 945 Soft
    7 1:07.150s 0.090s 1:07.060s 447 447 767 403 257 947 Hard
    8 1:06.964s 0.091s 1:06.873s 446 446 768 404 256 948 Extra Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:06.897s 420 398 805 440 293 985 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:08.735s 420 398 805 440 293 985 125 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Running 1-stop hard tires with 125-133 fuel and 45-50-45 risks
    Front wing: 4 78% Chassis: 4 0%
    Rear wing: 4 31% Underbody: 4 0%
    Engine: 4 39% Sidepods: 5 38%
    Brakes: 5 0% Cooling: 5 0%
    Gear: 4 0% Electronics: 7 23%
    Suspension: 5 0%

    ken oneal

    Season 90, Race 12

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:07.252s 0.418s 1:06.834s 420 420 740 500 240 860 Soft
    2 1:07.078s 0.181s 1:06.897s 380 380 700 460 200 900 Soft
    3 1:07.519s 0.144s 1:07.375s 340 340 720 420 160 880 Soft
    4 1:07.628s 0.404s 1:07.224s 360 360 730 406 180 870 Soft
    5 1:07.661s 0.424s 1:07.237s 350 350 735 413 190 865 Soft
    6 1:07.489s 0.280s 1:07.209s 355 355 733 417 185 868 Soft
    7 1:07.557s 0.284s 1:07.273s 357 357 732 415 182 867 Hard
    8 1:07.386s 0.183s 1:07.203s 358 358 731 414 183 759 Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:06.725s 417 409 678 467 237 814 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:09.181s 396 376 704 429 263 850 130 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Running 1-stop hards with 45-50-45 risks

    Front wing: 4 78% Chassis: 5 0%
    Rear wing: 4 79% Underbody: 5 69%
    Engine: 5 19% Sidepods: 5 44%
    Brakes: 5 0% Cooling: 5 24%
    Gear: 5 60% Electronics: 4 35%
    Suspension: 5 21%


    s90, r12
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:07.025s 488 455 705 537 169 850 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Setup and lap information
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:09.211s 461 421 724 501 193 886 84 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    12th 1:07.025s + 2.611s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    14th 1:09.211s + 3.323s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    14th 2:16.236s + 5.934s

    Tyres: Pips Soft (2 stopper)
    Fuel: 84/83/85
    Risks: 20/0/30/20/0 – overtake where possible – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 40/49/62
    Car Character: P=85 (73+12); H=94 (74+20); A=81 (71+10)

    its been a few races since my vacation and still trying to get back into the groove of things. busy schedule, behind in schedule, but still making races. continuing to train in fitness to get the driver’s stamina up. hoping for a finish in the top 15. will be a bit disappointed if that doesn’t happen even though my car isn’t designed for this type of race. this one is an engine buster. we’ll see how many run with Technicals on this one. i shouldn’t be as all my parts should last the race, but sometimes randoms happen.

    Season 90 Driver: Oliver Kerr
    Driver Energy: 98% (3 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 102
    Concentration: 184
    Talent: 119
    Aggressiveness: 34
    Experience: 44
    Technical insight: 47
    Stamina: 69
    Charisma: 56
    Motivation: 213
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 67
    Age: 23
    Salary: $406.414 (6 races +17)


    s97, r2
    Practice laps data (laps done 3/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:04.984s 0.107s 1:04.877s 414 370 874 321 296 999 Extra Soft
    2 1:05.270s 0.383s 1:04.887s 424 380 884 311 296 999 Extra Soft
    3 1:05.458s 0.579s 1:04.879s 419 375 879 316 296 999 Extra Soft

    Practice lap 3 comments from your driver:

    Wings: The car could have a bit more speed in the straights
    Engine: Try to favor a bit more the low revs
    Brakes: I would like to have the balance a bit more to the front

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:04.546s 416 372 876 319 296 999 Dunnolop Extra Soft Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:05.847s 408 361 883 307 304 999 76 Dunnolop Extra Soft Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    7th 1:04.546s + 1.958s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    10th 1:05.847s + 1.742s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    7th 2:10.393s + 3.063s

    Tyres: Dunno Extra Soft (two stopper)
    Fuel: 76/76/78
    Risks: 20/0/40/30/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Car Character: P=98 (84+14); H=109 (89+20 ); A=100 (84+16)

    i hate buying new parts early in the season, but i’m hoping many will have a smoking car this early in the season and i might sneak some points early. it would help. this track is an engine killer. 40ct with three boosts and lots of hope.

    Season 97 Driver: Julian Jakes
    Driver Energy: 77% (5.5 hours pre-race)
    Overall: 140
    Concentration: 198
    Talent: 147
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 122
    Technical insight: 243
    Stamina: 145
    Charisma: 36
    Motivation: 135
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 61
    Age: 26
    Salary: $614.656 (3 races +17)

    Season 97 Technical Director: Dan Tilley
    Overall: 92
    Leadership: 82
    R&D mechanics: 70
    R&D electronics: 175
    R&D aerodynamics: 141
    Experience: 191
    Pit coordination: 62
    Motivation: 0
    Age: 56
    Salary: $455.000 (5 races)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:08.334s 0.534s 1:07.800s 320 320 880 380 320 920 Extra Soft
    2 1:08.798s 0.629s 1:08.169s 280 280 840 340 280 940 Extra Soft
    3 1:08.912s 1.024s 1:07.888s 300 300 800 300 300 960 Extra Soft
    4 1:08.128s 0.108s 1:08.020s 290 290 820 320 290 950 Extra Soft
    5 1:08.878s 0.893s 1:07.985s 285 285 810 330 295 945 Extra Soft
    6 1:08.104s 0.123s 1:07.981s 287 287 815 335 297 942 Extra Soft
    7 1:08.842s 0.656s 1:08.186s 286 286 813 332 298 941 Medium
    8 1:07.786s 0.006s 1:07.780s 405 405 812 333 299 999 Extra Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:07.760s 368 324 754 392 358 999 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:10.403s 360 312 761 379 366 999 123 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a little

    Running 1-stop mediums with 40-40-40 risks and 123-132 fuel

    Front wing: 4 64% Chassis: 4 59%
    Rear wing: 4 41% Underbody: 4 63%
    Engine: 5 0% Sidepods: 4 57%
    Brakes: 4 75% Cooling: 4 54%
    Gear: 4 70% Electronics: 4 34%
    Suspension: 5 0%

    ken oneal

    Season 103, Race 8

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:07.552s 0.537s 1:07.015s 380 380 800 500 440 920 Hard
    2 1:07.121s 0.468s 1:06.653s 420 420 760 460 340 880 Hard
    3 1:07.209s 0.245s 1:06.964s 460 460 780 420 360 900 Hard
    4 1:07.217s 0.137s 1:07.080s 480 480 770 400 350 910 Hard
    5 1:07.330s 0.361s 1:06.969s 470 470 765 410 345 905 Hard
    6 1:07.040s 0.083s 1:06.957s 465 465 763 405 343 908 Hard
    7 1:07.366s 0.428s 1:06.938s 463 463 762 407 342 907 Hard
    8 1:06.856s 0.042s 1:06.814s 464 464 761 408 341 906 Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:06.470s 414 392 702 468 282 847 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:08.775s 422 412 688 488 268 829 132 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Running 1-stop hards with 132-132 fuel and 30-30-30 risks

    Front wing: 3 66% Chassis: 2 57%
    Rear wing: 3 65% Underbody: 3 0%
    Engine: 4 0% Sidepods: 3 46%
    Brakes: 3 26% Cooling: 3 24%
    Gear: 3 0% Electronics: 3 12%
    Suspension: 3 45%

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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