Suzuka GP (Japan)

Graceland Forums GPRO Suzuka GP (Japan)

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)
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  • #2824
    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:47.094s 0.599s 1:46.495s 520 520 860 480 520 740 Extra Soft
    2 1:47.826s 1.623s 1:46.203s 480 480 760 520 480 700 Extra Soft
    3 1:46.391s 0.258s 1:46.133s 500 500 720 540 500 680 Extra Soft
    4 1:46.895s 0.826s 1:46.069s 490 490 700 530 510 690 Extra Soft
    5 1:46.620s 0.577s 1:46.043s 485 485 710 535 515 685 Extra Soft
    6 1:46.295s 0.259s 1:46.036s 389 389 609 636 626 574 Extra Soft
    7 1:46.651s 0.603s 1:46.048s 381 381 705 637 517 583 Extra Soft
    8 1:48.075s 2.027s 1:46.048s 488 488 605 532 620 688 Extra Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:45.738s 377 493 655 585 567 637 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:50.272s 368 484 664 572 576 649 84 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car a little

    Missed on a driver, I had to sign a “random bad driver” that came with a 65 overall score and a $2 million+ signing fee. To say that he sucks is being kind. Right now, out of 2902 qualified, I rank 2885. I assume those worse than me accidentally qualified on rain tires. My car was decimated in Pro last season. It will be a miracle if I can hang in Amateur.

    Running 84-89-89 fuel on 2-stop X-softs with 35-50-35 risks

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:45.738s 377 493 655 585 567 637 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:50.272s 368 484 664 572 576 649 84 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car a little

    Front wing: 1 30% Chassis: 2 20%
    Rear wing: 1 30% Underbody: 1 20%
    Engine: 1 30% Sidepods: 1 20%
    Brakes: 1 30% Cooling: 1 30%
    Gear: 2 30% Electronics: 6 10%
    Suspension: 2 20%


    s84, r3
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8 )
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:41.870s 462 574 675 605 370 641 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:46.229s 450 560 684 587 382 659 116 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:41.870s + 3.431s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:46.229s + 3.854s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 3:28.099s + 7.285s

    Tyres: Pips Hard (one stopper)
    Fuel: 116/117
    Risks: 0/25/25/0/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 1/0/0
    Car Character: P=77 (68+9); H=76 (66+10 ); A=85 (74+11)

    did a round of testing. was very surprised at the result from last race. this race, on the surface, looks to be the same strategy – so that’s what i’m doing. 1 stopper, 25 CT, 25 Defend, boost at the front and hope for a finish 25th or better. i did another training in fitness and extended my driver’s contract.

    Season 84 Driver: Wilson Resende Filho
    Driver Energy: 54% (68 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 101
    Concentration: 180
    Talent: 185
    Aggressiveness: 5
    Experience: 45
    Technical insight: 110
    Stamina: 6
    Charisma: 99
    Motivation: 50
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 82
    Age: 26
    Salary: $450.000 – 7 races (+17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:40.185s 0.003s 1:40.182s 540 540 740 500 460 600 Hard
    2 1:39.795s 0.099s 1:39.696s 500 500 780 540 500 640 Hard
    3 1:39.868s 0.083s 1:39.785s 520 520 760 520 480 660 Hard
    4 1:39.774s 0.047s 1:39.727s 530 530 750 530 490 650 Hard
    5 1:39.754s 0.075s 1:39.679s 535 535 745 535 495 655 Hard
    6 1:39.747s 0.025s 1:39.722s 532 532 742 532 492 652 Hard
    7 1:39.234s 0.011s 1:39.223s 531 531 743 533 491 651 Soft
    8 1:39.773s 0.020s 1:39.753s 613 613 744 534 572 730 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:39.124s 515 627 784 574 531 691 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:42.109s 503 613 796 555 544 709 116 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little

    Running 116-124 fuel with 50-50-45 risk on 1-stop hard tires

    Front wing: 4 65% Chassis: 3 74%
    Rear wing: 4 72% Underbody: 4 69%
    Engine: 3 0% Sidepods: 4 58%
    Brakes: 4 0% Cooling: 3 68%
    Gear: 3 64% Electronics: 5 51%
    Suspension: 3 0%


    s86, r12
    Setup and lap information
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:39.728s 483 594 711 580 392 623 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Setup and lap information
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:42.048s 492 604 705 592 384 611 60 Pipirelli Extra Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    8th 1:39.728s + 3.620s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    8th 1:42.048s + 3.618s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    8th 3:21.776s + 7.238s

    Tyres: Pips Extra Soft (switch to wet 1/1)
    Fuel: 60/97/43
    Risks: 5/15/20/20/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 10/42/51
    Car Character: P=86 (69+17); H=82 (67+15); A=92 (69+23)

    another round of testing. i’d like to do three more. the CCP won’t last long on the car, but i’ve made significant strides on my driver. he’s gone from 0 to 44 on stamina in 8 training and 5 testing sessions.

    hoping for a top 20 placement in this race. counting on points in the last couple of races of the season. or at least very good money if i can come in 9th or 10th.

    Season 86 Driver: Jacky Herck
    Driver Energy: 82% (31 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 101
    Concentration: 202
    Talent: 158
    Aggressiveness: 1
    Experience: 39
    Technical insight: 83
    Stamina: 44
    Charisma: 46
    Motivation: 127
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 78
    Age: 23
    Salary: $340.000 (10 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:38.385s 0.062s 1:38.323s 580 580 800 580 540 700 Medium
    2 1:38.125s 0.088s 1:38.037s 540 540 840 620 500 710 Medium
    3 1:38.201s 0.097s 1:38.104s 550 550 820 590 520 715 Medium
    4 1:38.118s 0.036s 1:38.082s 560 560 830 585 510 720 Medium
    5 1:38.076s 0.020s 1:38.056s 555 555 835 587 505 718 Medium
    6 1:38.125s 0.058s 1:38.067s 553 553 832 586 508 717 Medium
    7 1:38.107s 0.035s 1:38.072s 552 552 833 615 509 692 Medium
    8 1:38.106s 0.024s 1:38.082s 551 551 864 614 476 693 Medium

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:37.738s 481 593 848 599 493 705 Dunnolop Medium Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:39.974s 490 602 839 612 484 693 114 Dunnolop Medium Push the car a little

    Running 1-stop mediums with 50-50-50-25 risks and 114-118 fuel

    Front wing: 3 0% Chassis: 3 0%
    Rear wing: 3 0% Underbody: 3 0%
    Engine: 3 0% Sidepods: 5 78%
    Brakes: 3 0% Cooling: 5 79%
    Gear: 3 0% Electronics: 6 0%
    Suspension: 3 0%


    s89, r15
    Practice laps data (laps done 2/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:36.403s 0.208s 1:36.195s 543 656 752 573 292 538 Medium
    2 1:36.609s 0.294s 1:36.315s 543 656 752 573 292 538 Hard

    Practice lap 2 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:36.242s 543 656 752 573 292 538 Yokomama Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:53.424s 632 636 730 612 58 515 60 Yokomama Rain Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    5th 1:36.242s + 1.488s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    7th 1:53.424s + 2.036s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    5th 3:29.666s + 2.417s

    Tyres: Yoko Hard (Rain to start 0/0)
    Fuel: 60/91/91 (75/65/60 if messy)
    Risks: 5/30/50/30/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 30/38/51
    Car Character: P=97 (83+14); H=108 (86+22); A=101 (83+18 )

    this track suits my driver/car very well. goal is to make it past the first lap (no start accidents). the rain won’t help, but fortunately is supposed to be gone in the first 30 minutes (about 17 laps – max). counting on a mostly dry track. wet 30CT, dry 50CT. using three boosts and a 20% rain setup. if i don’t do well this race, i’ll use next race to boost driver’s motivation (Sports Psychologist) and then Spa for the final race as a last gasp at retention. i’ve been working this plan all season and hopeful to have it pay off here. all parts should last this race unless a random bites me.

    Season 89 Driver: Jacky Herck
    Driver Energy: 83% (27 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 142
    Concentration: 223
    Talent: 158
    Aggressiveness: 42
    Experience: 96
    Technical insight: 134
    Stamina: 120
    Charisma: 114
    Motivation: 153
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 64
    Age: 26
    Salary: $477.676 (7 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:40.547s 0.004s 1:40.543s 600 600 580 600 340 460 Hard
    2 1:40.981s 0.277s 1:40.704s 640 640 620 560 380 420 Hard
    3 1:40.744s 0.159s 1:40.585s 620 620 600 580 360 440 Hard
    4 1:41.211s 0.530s 1:40.681s 610 610 610 570 370 450 Hard
    5 1:41.277s 0.591s 1:40.686s 605 605 615 575 365 455 Hard
    6 1:40.850s 0.136s 1:40.714s 608 608 618 572 367 453 Hard
    7 1:40.856s 0.157s 1:40.699s 607 607 619 573 368 452 Hard
    8 1:40.838s 0.127s 1:40.711s 606 606 505 687 369 338 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:40.848s 492 606 563 629 426 396 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:59.276s 582 586 541 668 192 373 68 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a little

    Running hards after the rain with zero risk and 68-103-103 fuel
    With promotion assured, I am just coasting in

    Front wing: 3 77% Chassis: 3 0%
    Rear wing: 3 67% Underbody: 4 70%
    Engine: 3 74% Sidepods: 4 0%
    Brakes: 4 0% Cooling: 2 0%
    Gear: 3 68% Electronics: 2 0%
    Suspension: 3 77%


    s92, r4
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:56.037s 610 628 643 572 536 448 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:41.348s 425 498 802 515 557 619 77 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:56.037s + 1.142s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:41.348s + 0.000s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 3:37.385s + 0.000s

    Tyres: Pips Soft (switch 0/0 with weather)
    Fuel: 77/77/72 (65/60/55 if messy)
    Risks: 5/50/0/0/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: None
    Car Character: P=77 (68+9); H=81 (66+15); A=72 (64+8 )

    moti dropped by 40, but driver is still at a 114 on OA. i’m abandoning the idea of keeping him and will use the same approach i did last season the rest of the way. low or no CT risk and will try to score points without the risk of going over. i will also try to test more than i did last season, but primarily to keep CCP, not to improve my driver. i will likely stop training altogether for the driver since i’ll be looking to abandon him later this season if i find a good driver to start training and improving.

    s92 Driver: Oliver Kerr
    Driver Energy: 3% (91 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 114
    Concentration: 196
    Talent: 119
    Aggressiveness: 1
    Experience: 75
    Technical insight: 96
    Stamina: 116
    Charisma: 63
    Motivation: 192
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 58
    Age: 25
    Salary: $509.806 (14 races)

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by rqueary.
    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:58.169s 0.161s 1:58.008s 600 600 620 570 520 500 Rain
    2 1:55.331s 0.168s 1:55.163s 620 620 660 540 480 600 Rain
    3 1:52.645s 0.008s 1:52.637s 610 610 680 500 460 620 Rain
    4 1:51.974s 0.195s 1:51.779s 605 605 670 480 440 640 Rain
    5 1:51.971s 0.169s 1:51.802s 608 608 675 460 450 630 Rain
    6 1:52.027s 0.154s 1:51.873s 607 607 677 470 455 635 Rain
    7 1:52.152s 0.157s 1:51.995s 543 543 678 475 453 637 Rain
    8 1:52.080s 0.150s 1:51.930s 545 545 679 473 452 700 Rain

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:50.610s 568 586 709 441 424 667 Yokomama Rain Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:37.160s 383 456 868 384 445 838 70 Yokomama Extra Soft Push the car a lot

    Trying 2-stop X-softs with 70-75-75 fuel and 50-50-50 risks.

    Front wing: 6 83% Chassis: 6 72%
    Rear wing: 6 73% Underbody: 6 74%
    Engine: 6 45% Sidepods: 6 79%
    Brakes: 6 0% Cooling: 5 82%
    Gear: 5 0% Electronics: 6 62%
    Suspension: 7 25%


    s95, r7
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:37.362s 0.545s 1:36.817s 485 578 779 553 379 585 Soft

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:37.278s 485 578 779 553 379 585 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:38.445s 472 562 790 535 391 603 74 Pipirelli Soft Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    3rd 1:37.278s + 0.298s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 1:38.445s + 0.504s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    2nd 3:15.723s + 0.205s

    Tyres: Pips Soft (two stopper)
    Fuel: 74/74/72 (60’s if extra pits due to weather)
    Risks: 0/25/30/10/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 0/33/51
    Car Character: P=101 (82+19); H=104 (82+22); A=102 (80+22)

    driver is getting right where i want him and i’m hoping i can start lowering the CT and still pull in 5th place or better in each race. motivation has gone up significantly which is helping the results. next big concern is getting my sponsors in so i don’t run out of money. i’ll likely do another round of testing before the NEXT race. have climbed to third in group, but i’d like to get into 2nd or maybe even 1st (though i think that’s a stretch).

    Season 95 Driver: Julian Jakes
    Driver Energy: 77% (16 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 132
    Concentration: 188
    Talent: 147
    Aggressiveness: 0
    Experience: 91
    Technical insight: 214
    Stamina: 100
    Charisma: 29
    Motivation: 211
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 62
    Age: 24
    Salary: 548.800 (15 races)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:42.132s 1.195s 1:40.937s 540 540 800 600 460 700 Soft
    2 1:42.255s 1.163s 1:41.092s 500 500 760 560 420 600 Soft
    3 1:42.174s 1.300s 1:40.874s 480 480 740 540 440 500 Soft
    4 1:41.005s 0.180s 1:40.825s 500 500 720 520 430 520 Soft
    5 1:41.566s 0.807s 1:40.759s 490 490 710 530 435 510 Soft
    6 1:42.034s 1.240s 1:40.794s 485 485 715 535 432 505 Soft
    7 1:41.809s 0.465s 1:41.344s 487 487 718 532 433 508 Hard
    8 1:42.212s 1.402s 1:40.810s 486 486 719 533 434 507 Soft

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:40.836s 495 589 665 587 489 452 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:44.343s 482 572 676 569 501 470 119 Pipirelli Hard Push the car a lot

    Running 1-stop hards with 40-50-40 risks and 119-128 fuel

    Front wing: 4 36% Chassis: 3 26%
    Rear wing: 4 34% Underbody: 4 68%
    Engine: 3 45% Sidepods: 4 28%
    Brakes: 4 41% Cooling: 4 30%
    Gear: 3 72% Electronics: 5 18%
    Suspension: 1 65%


    s98, r9
    Practice laps data (laps done 0/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    No practice laps done

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:36.759s 472 585 780 513 348 657 Dunnolop Hard Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:54.187s 574 587 728 556 155 609 109 Dunnolop Rain Push the car a lot

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    23rd 1:36.759s + 2.831s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    20th 1:54.187s + 4.422s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    19th 3:30.946s + 7.253s

    Tyres: Dunno Hard (start on hard, switch later 1/1 if needed)
    Fuel: 109/105 (80/70/60 if messy)
    Risks: 0/20/40/30/0/ – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: None
    Car Character: P=93 (83+10 ); H=96 (87+9); A=96 (83+13)

    continuing to train driver on fitness where i can, but sometimes i have to use Spa to get the energy back up. trying to conserve money for the end of the season when i make my final push. this group is F-A-S-T!!

    Season 98 Driver: Thomas Bellof
    Driver Energy: 63%
    Overall: 137
    Concentration: 202
    Talent: 204
    Aggressiveness: 12
    Experience: 133
    Technical insight: 168
    Stamina: 104
    Charisma: 112
    Motivation: 7
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 77
    Age: 29
    Salary: $571.680 (6 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:41.237s 0.112s 1:41.125s 560 560 740 600 360 540 Medium
    2 1:42.532s 1.287s 1:41.245s 600 600 700 560 320 580 Medium
    3 1:42.013s 0.777s 1:41.236s 620 620 680 580 340 560 Medium
    4 1:43.122s 1.749s 1:41.373s 610 610 690 570 350 570 Medium
    5 1:41.968s 0.664s 1:41.304s 605 605 685 565 355 565 Medium
    6 1:41.980s 0.656s 1:41.324s 603 603 688 562 353 568 Medium
    7 1:41.841s 0.389s 1:41.452s 602 602 687 561 352 567 Hard
    8 1:42.091s 0.640s 1:41.451s 516 516 603 646 266 566 Hard

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:40.830s 502 616 645 603 310 523 Pipirelli Medium Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:59.364s 604 618 593 646 117 475 73 Pipirelli Rain Push the car a little

    Running 2-stop mediums with 73-78-78 fuel and 40-40-35-35 risks

    Front wing: 5 24% Chassis: 6 22%
    Rear wing: 5 21% Underbody: 6 23%
    Engine: 5 39% Sidepods: 6 0%
    Brakes: 6 42% Cooling: 6 84%
    Gear: 5 25% Electronics: 7 45%
    Suspension: 6 0%


    s100, r12
    Practice laps data (laps done 1/8 )

    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:38.759s 0.069s 1:38.690s 425 523 731 518 461 541 Soft

    Practice lap 1 comments from your driver:

    I am satisfied with the setup of the car

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:39.248s 425 523 731 518 461 541 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:41.128s 404 498 748 488 481 571 82 Pipirelli Soft Push the car to the limit

    Qualify 1
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:39.248s + 0.000s

    Qualify 2
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 1:41.128s + 0.000s

    Starting grid
    Pos Lap time Gap
    1st 3:20.376s + 0.000s

    Tyres: Pips Soft (2 stopper)
    Fuel: 82/84/70 (50)
    Risks: 0/50/10/0/0 – force to the front – do not let anyone pass
    Boosts: 35/43/51
    Car Character: P=80 (72+8 ); H=83 (75+8 ); A=80 (72+8 )

    surprised in the last race. planning on a 7th or 8th place finish and instead landed a podium (3rd). new wings and did another bout of testing. much needed testing. parts will all make it through this race. still planning on a push in races 14 & 15 (back-to-back favorite tracks). will have to balance these with points. i’m not planning on promoting. would be good for my driver, but not good money-wise.
    using 10ct this race with three boosts.

    Season 100 Driver: Andy Calado
    Driver Energy: 60% (92 hrs pre-race)
    Overall: 116
    Concentration: 204
    Talent: 181
    Aggressiveness: 24
    Experience: 49
    Technical insight: 51
    Stamina: 70
    Charisma: 37
    Motivation: 167
    Reputation: 0
    Weight(kg): 56
    Age: 23
    Salary: $491.542 (2 races +17)

    ken oneal

    Practice laps data (laps done 8/8)
    Lap Lap time Driver mistake Net time Settings
    FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Comm
    1 1:36.527s 0.109s 1:36.418s 460 460 820 520 440 580 Extra Soft
    2 1:36.411s 0.059s 1:36.352s 500 500 860 560 400 620 Extra Soft
    3 1:36.554s 0.034s 1:36.520s 520 520 880 540 420 640 Extra Soft
    4 1:36.971s 0.091s 1:36.880s 540 540 900 530 410 630 Extra Soft
    5 1:36.894s 0.105s 1:36.789s 530 530 890 525 405 635 Extra Soft
    6 1:36.911s 0.084s 1:36.827s 525 525 885 606 483 550 Extra Soft
    7 1:36.844s 0.105s 1:36.739s 446 446 813 600 473 564 Extra Soft
    8 1:37.476s 0.002s 1:37.474s 523 523 888 527 402 633 Medium

    Qualify 1 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Tyres Risk
    1:36.111s 439 537 853 563 439 597 Yokomama Extra Soft Push the car a little
    Qualify 2 lap data
    Lap time FWing RWing Engine Brakes Gear Susp Fuel Tyres Risk
    1:37.504s 418 512 870 533 459 627 71 Yokomama Extra Soft Push the car a little

    Running 2-stop X-softs with 45-35-35 risks and 71-75-75 fuel

    Front wing: 6 37%) Chassis: 6 9%
    Rear wing: 6 37% Underbody: 6 18%
    Engine: 5 13% Sidepods: 6 85%
    Brakes: 5 75% Cooling: 6 43%
    Gear: 6 60% Electronics: 7 25%
    Suspension: 4 72%

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